佐藤 幸子 略 歴

  • 1941年

    樺太(サハリン)に生まれ、戦後 網元だった父のふるさと女川町で育つ
    Sachiko Sato was born in Sakhalin. After the Second World War, she was brought up in Onagawa Town,hometown of her father, a master fisherman.

  • 1978年 杉村惇先生(日展参与 仙台市名誉市民 宮城教育大学名誉教授)に師事
    She started studying under Jun Sugimura, Advisor to Nitten (The Japan Fine Arts Exhibition), Honorary Citizen of Sendai City, and Professor Emeritus of Miyagi University of Education.
  • 1981年 日洋展出展 初入選 風景「萌える」F30号 以降毎回入選
    She won a prize at the Nichiyouten Exhibition for the first time, thereafter winning every time she submitted her work to the exhibition.
  • 1982年 河北美術展初入選 M賞受賞「仁王門(吽)」F80号
    日洋展「仁王門」F80号 日洋展奨励賞受賞
    She was awarded at the Kahoku Exhibition for the first time and was chosen to receive the M Award.
  • 1984年 河北美術展 秋田県知事賞受賞
    She received the Governor of Akita Prefecture Award at the Kahoku Exhibition, thereafter receiving the Kahoku Award, as well as the Tohoku Electric Power Award at the exhibition.
  • 1986年 日洋展 選抜100人展招待出品
    She was invited to display her work in the Selected 100 Artist Exhibition of Nichiyouten.
  • 1989年 第20回日展初入選
    以後数回 個展開催
    第26回宮城県芸術祭絵画展 宮城県教育委員会賞受賞
    She won a prize for the first time at the 20th Nitten Exhibition. She painted a picture of “Indara Taisho” at Jion-ji Temple in Sagae City. The work came into possession of Sagae City. She received the Miyagi Prefecture Art Encouragement Award for fiscal 1988.
    She held a solo exhibition at Sendai Citizen’s Gallery, thereafter holding several solo exhibitions. She received the Miyagi Prefecture Board of Education Award at the Painting Exhibition in the 26th Miyagi Art Festival. She was recommended for Nichiyoukai membership.
  • 1990年 河北美術展 招待に推挙
    She was recommended to be an invited artist of the Kahoku Exhibition.
  • 1996年
  • 山形県寒河江市で仏像のみの個展開催
    She held a solo exhibition of just her paintings of Buddha statues, in Sagae City, Yamagata Prefecture. (One of her works came into possession of Sagae City.)
  • 1997年 女川町で個展開催
    She held a solo exhibition in Onagawa Town.
  • 1998年 NHK番組「おしゃれ工房」に出演
    She made an appearance in “Oshare-Kobo (Stylish Craft Center)”, NHK TV program.
  • 2000年 6月
    In June, she held a solo exhibition at Sendai Mistukoshi.
  • 2000年 9月
    東京銀座 望月画廊に於いて個展開催
    In September, she held a solo exhibition at Mochizuki Gallery in Ginza, Tokyo.
  • 2000年11月
  • 日展入選(5回目)
    In November, she was awarded at the Nitten Exhibition for her fifth time. She donated her work, “Minamisanriku Chosho” (Drawing Onagawa), to Onagawa Town. (She started her works on landscape paintings this year.)
  • 2001年1月 宮城テレビ お〜ばんです「アトリエ訪問」出演
    In January, she appeared in “Visiting Ateliers”, a segment of Oh-Bandesu, Miyagi TV program.
  • 2001年 8月 宮城秀作美術展出展
    In August, she submitted her work to Miyagi Shusakuten (Miyagi Excellent Work Exhibition).
  • 2001年 9月 JR山形後援「やまがた銀行さくらんぼギャラリー」に於いて個展開催
    In September, she held a solo exhibition at Yamagata Bank Sakuranbo Gallery, under the auspices of JR Yamagata.
  • 2001年 11月 日展入選(6回目)
    In November, she was awarded at the Nitten Exhibition for her sixth time.
  • 2002年 みやぎ秀作美術展出展
    She submitted her work to Miyagi Shusakuten (Miyagi Excellent Work Exhibition).
  • 2004年 仙台三越にて個展開催
    She held a solo exhibition at Sendai Mistukoshi.
  • 2006年 女川町 町制施行80周年記念事業 個展開催
    She held a solo exhibition as part of the commemoration events for the 80th anniversary of Onagawa Town establishment.
  • 2007年 日展入選(10回目)女川港初夏を描く
    She was awarded at the Nitten Exhibition for her tenth time, with her work, ”Onagawa-ko Shoka O Egaku (Painting Early Summer in Onagawa Port) ”.
  • 2008年 4月 日展会友承認(洋画部門で東北の女性第1号となる)
    In April, she was approved as a Nitten affiliate, and became the first Tohoku female affiliate in the category of Western-style painting.
  • 2008年 10月 宮城県教育文化功労賞受賞
    In October, she received the Educational and Cultural Order of Miyagi Prefecture.
  • 2008年 11月 日展入選(11回目)
    In November, she was awarded at the Nitten Exhibition for her 11th time.
  • 2008年 12月 河北美術展顧問に推挙
    In December, she was recommended to be an Advisor to the Kahoku Exhibition. She held an exhibition at Onagawa Daiichi Elementary School, where she studied, and donated her second work of drawing Onagawa Port to the school.
  • 2009年 7月 第5回輝く先輩に学ぶ
    In July, she gave a lecture under the title “Seeing things” to all the junior high school students and their parents in Onagawa Town, at the 5th event of “Learning from active and successful seniors”.
  • 2009年 10月 日展「岩手山北壁」入選
    In October, she was awarded at the Nitten Exhibition for her work, “Iwatesan Hokuheki (North Face of Mt. Iwate)”.
  • 2010年10月 日展「松島輝る海」入選
    In October, she was awarded at the Nitten Exhibition for her work, “Matsushima Hikaru Umi (Shining Sea in Matsushima)”.
  • 2010年12月宮城県芸術選奨歴代受賞者作品点出品
    In December, she was invited to the Exhibition of Past Winners of Miyagi Prefecture Art Encouragement Prize. She received the Distinguished Services Award from the Tohoku University Fund.
  • 2012年 仙台三越店個展(第3回)
    She held a solo exhibition at Sendai Mitsukoshi for her third time.
  • 2015年仙台三越店個展(第4回)
    宮城県福祉協議会 洋画部審査員つとめる
    She held a solo exhibition at Sendai Mitsukoshi. She served as a judge of the Miyagi Council of Social Welfare Exhibition in the category of Western-style painting, thereafter serving for three years.
  • 2017年河北美術展 子供達の絵画展審査をつとめる
    She was a judge for the Exhibition of Children’s Works held as part of the Kahoku Exhibition. She was asked to create the official poster for the 80th Kahoku Exhibition. She was awarded at the Nitten Exhibition.
  • 現在
     Affiliate to Nitten (The Japan Fine Arts Exhibition)

     Member of the Nichiyoukai Committee

     Advisor to the Kahoku Exhibition

     Member of the Steering Committee for the Art Association of Miyagi Prefecture

Photo Gallery